Can art change the world? Much has been written about the contribution of the arts and artists to the struggle against apartheid. COVID-19 has laid bare – yet again – the disparities within our society. What is the role of artists and of the arts in contemporary South Africa? How do the arts perpetuate or challenge social inequalities?
Welcome: Lerato Thooe – Interim Steering committee member Gauteng: Im4theArts.
Chair: Firdoze Bulbulia – Award-winning film and media producer, director and trainer.
In conversation:
Siseko Kumalo
Editor: Journal of Decolonising Disciplines
Ukona Mlandu
Bongani Njalo
Alex Sutherland
Co-ordinator of creativity in activist education,
Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education
Wednesday 24 June from 19h00 – 20h30 live on the Im4theArts Facebook Group